Friday, 16 December 2022

Pier review: revisiting Hastings Pier - 16 DECEMBER 2022


Some great photos here.

"I expected an anti-climax, to get all the way out here and wish there was, well, more. But when you pause and look out, sun on your face, wind serenading you, all that free space ahead of you is a joy."

Sunday, 27 November 2022

What a Goof Idea. Hastings, please copy.

 Yes, we know, you already did it once and look where tht landed us!

North Somerset Council wins fight to buy Birnbeck Pier

North Somerset Council has now succeeded in a court case against the owner and will be allowed to continue with a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO).

It is expected the CPO will be completed next year.

Saturday, 12 November 2022

No Comment!

Historic England's Heritage at Risk Register 2022: Here are sites in and around Eastbourne ...

A Historic England spokesperson said: “The pier is 1,000ft long

 and 52ft wide on a substructure of iron screw piles, designed 

by Eugenius Birch .

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Positive action - of a sort!

Pier case Tribunal decision details Sheikh Gulzar’s penalty of almost £75k

In May, HOT reported on the Employment Tribunal case of the Hastings Pier engineers who had been working on the Pier. Their case of constructive unfair dismissal was upheld and compensation of nearly £75,000 was awarded. The article was titled ‘Pier-owner shamed by Tribunal decisions’.

The conduct of Mr Gulzar and Pier management considered by the Tribunal was also reported in Private Eye (No 1578, published 29 July 2022, p22).

Hastings County Court - the Land Registry recently registered a Bankruptcy Charge for the Pier (Title Number ESX246860):

2022-09-15 BANKRUPTCY NOTICE entered under section86(2) of the Land Registration Act 2002 in respec of a pending action, as the title of the proprietor ofthe registered estate appears to be affected by a petition in bankruptcy against Sheikh Abid Gulzar presented in the County Court at Hastings (Court
Reference Number 14 of 2022) (Land Charges - Reference Number PA 15983/22).

And here we go again!

 At least this time all extraneous matter has been cleared away and the Pier has been left clean and fresh in the sunshine - albeit closed.  But thanks to thosre responsible for the last two years.  It is a shame greed has made it impossible for you to carry on.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Happy 150th Birthday - against all the odds.

 The words "due diligence" spring to mind.  What a wonderful birthday present it would be for those of us whose hearts have been involved with her over the years to at long last get at least an explanation as to why there was no due diligence done.  Many of us knew the facts, readily available online, but we weren't asked.  Nor anyone else apparently.

Sold for a lot  less than the amount of money put in by shareholders, not for profit, but for love of the Pier.  We live in hope.  (Well, realistically, we don't)

Friday, 29 July 2022

Peter & Francesca - well done!

Pier engineers vindicated at tribunal – but how will £68,000 awards be collected?HIP May 20, 2022 Pier engineers vindicated at tribunal – but how will £68,000 awards be collected?2022-05

After a tortuous legal process, the former pier engineers Peter Wheeler and Daisy Hill have succeeded in legal claims for constructive dismissal brought against Lions Hastings Pier Limited, the company which Sheikh Abid Gulzar formed to take over operation of Hastings Pier in 2018.

This is no longer news (might be if they actually receive the money!) but is recorded here as part of the ongoing record of Our Pier.