Wednesday, 8 May 2019

May Day on The Pier - But not this year!

Alex de Rijke slams approval for arcades on prize-winning Hastings pier

Alex de Rijke has hit out at moves to turn education and interpretation spaces on the practice’s Stirling Prize-winning revamp of Hastings Pier into an amusement arcade
De Rijke has previously said that the practice’s cherished redesign of the pier was based on replacing an ‘outdated amusement arcade model’ with the principle of community-owned public space.
He told the AJ this week: ‘Hastings Pier Visitor Centre was paid for by Heritage Lottery, whose criteria was that the building be used for education.
‘The building is all about space, light, views and social inspiration. Its conversion to slot machine arcades is inviting children to learn to gamble in the dark.