Thursday, 9 August 2018

FoHP = Going Forward

Now the Pier is sold, this Blog is going back to sleep.  It is intended as a record for researchers and interested parties.
The last post (probably) will be a link to the FoHP website when it is up and running.
“We are aware that there are some negative perceptions of FOHP.  Some are due to confusion with Hastings Pier Charity (HPC), others, because FOHP get blamed for things said against Mr Gulzar, by other people in other forums.”

We recognise that there are many communities in Hastings and that there is a range of opinion about the best future for the pier. ..... We do not represent everyone but we are open to everyone and aim to be inclusive and build consensus.

It was agreed that we would:
o   Demonstrate that we believe that the pier should be for everybody.
o   Continue to challenge hostility and ill sentiment directed against Mr Gulzar.
o   Keep talking to people and remain positive, welcoming and open to all.
o   Continue to build up the membership including a public notice asking former shareholders to join (we will ask Smith & Williamson to let people know about FOHP when they send a final message to shareholders).
o   Reach out to people who are not online – through posters/leaflets, and by engaging with groups (older people, women’s groups, schools).
o   Continue to engage with the press/TV/magazines, including writing letters to the press.

o   Reach out to Mr Gulzar through an independent facilitator/mediator
o   Launch the new FOHP website.
o   Publish a clarification statement in the press, that we are not the same as HPC and that we are not in any way hostile to the new owner. We are interested in engagement not confrontation.
o   Arrange a meeting in mid-November in a large venue, at which we will elect a team of active directors for FOHP. Any member can stand and all members can vote.
o   Explore the possibility of organising ‘alternative pier’ events where we demonstrate our appeal