Thursday, 9 August 2018

FoHP = Going Forward

Now the Pier is sold, this Blog is going back to sleep.  It is intended as a record for researchers and interested parties.
The last post (probably) will be a link to the FoHP website when it is up and running.
“We are aware that there are some negative perceptions of FOHP.  Some are due to confusion with Hastings Pier Charity (HPC), others, because FOHP get blamed for things said against Mr Gulzar, by other people in other forums.”

We recognise that there are many communities in Hastings and that there is a range of opinion about the best future for the pier. ..... We do not represent everyone but we are open to everyone and aim to be inclusive and build consensus.

It was agreed that we would:
o   Demonstrate that we believe that the pier should be for everybody.
o   Continue to challenge hostility and ill sentiment directed against Mr Gulzar.
o   Keep talking to people and remain positive, welcoming and open to all.
o   Continue to build up the membership including a public notice asking former shareholders to join (we will ask Smith & Williamson to let people know about FOHP when they send a final message to shareholders).
o   Reach out to people who are not online – through posters/leaflets, and by engaging with groups (older people, women’s groups, schools).
o   Continue to engage with the press/TV/magazines, including writing letters to the press.

o   Reach out to Mr Gulzar through an independent facilitator/mediator
o   Launch the new FOHP website.
o   Publish a clarification statement in the press, that we are not the same as HPC and that we are not in any way hostile to the new owner. We are interested in engagement not confrontation.
o   Arrange a meeting in mid-November in a large venue, at which we will elect a team of active directors for FOHP. Any member can stand and all members can vote.
o   Explore the possibility of organising ‘alternative pier’ events where we demonstrate our appeal

Friday, 27 July 2018

Here it is again! The Birch Room is named....

The Jeremy / Eugenius Room on the Pier

From the Newsletter
Jeremy was a great supporter of the Pier; he features as an important participant in very many of the most significant photos that mark the progress of the Pier project.
Hastings Pier Charity would like to acknowledge his tremendous contribution to making the restoration of Hastings Pier a reality and we will be naming the education room in the newly built Visitor Centre the Birch Room in recognition of the two Birches – Jeremy and Eugenius – who have both put their energy and expertise to the service of the Pier, past, present and future.

Chain being cut at gates to Hastings Pierimage

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Council leader Peter Chowney discusses plans for Hastings Pier

...Cllr Chowney said: “He [Abdil Gulzar]has got some good ideas and if he has the money to carry them out there are some interesting things that could happen there. I think he has to be careful about making sure he connects with the people of Hastings and involves them in his plans.

 “Obviously there has been some opposition to this, to the process certainly. I know some people are a bit suspicious about the way it happened and about the new owner . I think he has got to reach out to the people who have been critical and get them involved in the running of the pier in the future.

 “He also has to realise that it is a Grade II listed structure and that anything that happens on there – from new huts to paint – does need listed building consent. We have made all that clear to him but having said that we are also prepared to work with him on his future plans for the pier......

Read more at:

Monday, 23 July 2018

"How £14m of charity assets was sold to a businessman for £50,000"

Not long ago, a community benefit society, Hastings Pier Charity, went into administration.  It was the first example of administration for a community benefit society – often known as a bencom – and it produced a slightly startling result

.  - See more at:

Friday, 20 July 2018

Community group seeks parliamentary inquiry into Hastings Pier sale

Community group seeks parliamentary inquiry into Hastings Pier sale
“… do not support the hostility shown towards Mr Gulzar and ….. strongly condemn the vandalism.

“…. do not have an issue with Mr Gulzar – in fact, …. would like to work with him to make a success of the pier.  The issue we have is how the administrators came to their decision and whether they made the right one.  This inquiry would be about transparency and has nothing to do with the new owner."

Saturday, 14 July 2018



The White Rock Hotel - Seafront room.

Please reply to this email if attending Thank You.
or reply here
This blog was started partly to serve as a historical source for researchers, so I include the following.

“The Dead Wood is Going: This Boat is Going to Sail”

“There have been a lot of successes recently, not least the bank holiday weekend, and there’s some really great staff and brilliant volunteers * and we will build on that this summer and hopefully galvanise both them and the wider town to prove that we can do it as a town. Not that we can make it fantastically profitable, but that we can make a difference right now and start to stem those losses and move towards phase two.” she added.
* Mr. Gulzar's 'dead wood'


Due diligence mention is especially relevant, there doesn't seem to have been much of that done! - Why not?

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Great Panjandrum himself I assume.....

Image result for hastings pier pirate flags

.... is to be thanked for the presence of high flying Pirate flags.  Thank you!

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

2018? Maybe at least a Flag or two?

Hastings Pirate Day will be back on 15 July 2018 -  

Events in Town Centre, The Pier [???] and the Old Town.

Procession around the Old Town.

After six years, still the Pirate Capital of the World!

Image result for pirate day hastings 2017

Image result for pirate day hastings 2016

Monday, 2 July 2018

For the (Historical) Record

My promise as new pier owner

Hastings and St. Leonards Observer-28 Jun 2018
I write as the proud new owner of Hastings Pier and wish to comment on ... First, I want to say how delighted I am to have bought Hastings Pier.

Residents to notice changes to Hastings Pier 'very quickly'

Hastings and St. Leonards Observer-27 Jun 2018
The new owner of Hastings Pier said residents would see changes to the ... “Suffice to say, Hastings Pier has to be run as a business, and a ...

PICTURES: Hastings Pier reopens to the public

Hastings and St. Leonards Observer-26 Jun 2018
PICTURES: Hastings Pier reopens to the public ... The gates to Hastings Pierwere opened for the first time under Sheikh Abid Gulzar's .

New owner sends message to Hastings as pier reopens

Hastings and St. Leonards Observer-25 Jun 2018
Ahead of opening the pier, Mr Gulzar said: “Let's talk up Hastings and talk up Hastings Pier. “I don't want to hear all the moaning and negativity.

Owner Sheikh Abid Gulzar announces pier opening at 10am on Monday

The Argus-24 Jun 2018
HASTINGS Pier will reopen tomorrow (Monday June 25) after the sale to entrepreneur Sheikh Abid Gulzar. It was announced ten days ago that .

What Sheikh Abid Gulzar plans to do with Hastings Pier

Hastings and St. Leonards Observer-23 Jun 2018
The reopening of Hastings Pier under the ownership of Sheikh Abid Gulzar has been delayed with suggestions it may open next week.

VIDEO: New owner discusses plans for Hastings Pier

Hastings and St. Leonards Observer-19 Jun 2018
The new owner of Hastings Pier Sheikh Abid Gulzar said the popular landmark will reopen on Friday – a week after he completed his purchase.

New pier owner says he will 'never charge for entrance' says MP

Hastings and St. Leonards Observer-19 Jun 2018
The new owner of Hastings Pier told the town's MP he would 'never charge' for entrance and is 'eager to engage with the community' in a ...

VIDEO: Eastbourne Pier owner committed to Eastbourne after ...

Eastbourne Herald-19 Jun 2018
Mr Gulzar was pictured on Hastings Pier on Saturday morning and admits there is plenty of work to be done there. But he says Eastbourne Pier ...

Sunday, 1 July 2018

GREAT to see Billy Can back in Business!

Image result for "billy can" "hastings pier"

Future of Hastings Pier plans in doubt after sale to sheikh

The prospects for the second phase of dRMM’s regeneration of Hastings Pier are uncertain following the venue’s sale by administrators to sheikh Abid Gulzar, the owner of Eastbourne Pier.

  • The prospects for the second phase of dRMM’s regeneration of Hastings Pier are uncertain following the venue’s sale by administrators to sheikh Abid Gulzar, the owner of Eastbourne Pier

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

FoHP at St Leonards Festival, Saturday 30th June

No automatic alt text available.

FoHP has been offered a space at The St Leonards Festival

Look out for the Red and Yellow lifebelt logo.

Volunteers will be around all day, 11 am (12 noon?) to 6 pm, to talk to you all and will endeavour to answer your questions.

We will be giving away Hastings Pier Badges so pop along and pick one up.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people on stage and text

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Lovely day to be on the Pier - if only! But....

....FOHP Trust is now incorporated as a company limited by guarantee. Company number 11383651
The current directors are: James Chang, Lesley Davis, Jess Steele, Adam Wide.
We plan to hold an election for new directors within the next 3-6 months. All FOHP members will be eligible to stand for election and to vote for directors.
The role of the FOHP Trust as a limited company is to be in position to hold assets, sign contracts, etc which the wider unincorporated association could not do. The job of the directors is to uphold the principles developed at the first meeting on 3rd Feb and voted on by 500 people at the Public Meeting on 23rd April. There is plenty of scope for other kinds of volunteer support, as shown throughout the campaign so far.

If you Crowdfunded, you should have received notification by now of the impending refund.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Photos from the Volunteer Emeritus, from HPWRT days to Friday, 15th June 2018

Chain being cut at gates to Hastings Pier 
I was there for the gates opening!

I was there for the yarn bombing       I was there for Pirate Day

                                                                  I was there for the concert
I was there for the barnacle scraping image

                                                                    And I was there for the Protest March       

I was officially first on the Carousel!

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Sorry all - apparently now closed until Monday.

and The Hub will be no more after the weekend!

The Hub, our temporary visitor centre in the old White Rocks Baths entrance building, has been busy with visitors and events over the first part of the summer. We have had several visits from pupils from Christ Church Primary School in St. Leonards who have been piloting some schools sessions for us. If you are a teacher look out in the autumn for more details of these and how you can get involved.

The Hub also played host last month to a repeat talk about the musical history of the pier. Lots of you have also been contributing your memories of music on the pier by adding to our display of old singles. If you have an ephemera from concerts on the pier, such as tickets or posters, our archive group would love to see them. They meet every Wednesday in the Hub from  11.30am - 12.30pm. If you can't make Wednesday mornings leave your items with one of our Hub Interpretation team and we can return the items to you.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Friends of Hastings Pier....

..... are formally requesting a meeting with Mr Gulzar to raise their concerns and to explore ways of working together to achieve objectives that are mutually beneficial - a Pier whose future is safeguarded and that works for the community that rebuilt it.

If you are want to be kept in the loop, and are not already on the mailing list, please send your details to

Image may contain: people standing and outdoor

The new owner of Hastings Pier Mr. Abid Gulzar said the popular landmark will reopen on Friday – a week after he completed his purchase.

So you can watch the Bottle Alley lights then!
Read more at:


The new owner of Hastings Pier, Mr. Abid Gulzar, told the town’s MP he would ‘never charge’ for entrance and is ‘eager to engage with the community’ in a meeting on Monday (June 18).

Read more at:

The question of dogs still seems a bit fuddled

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Bottle Alley Light show - later time!

Bottle Alley light show

Seen from the "People's" Pier
The lights are on every evening at dusk, with a 10 minute light 'show' at 10pm Saturday - Thursday and an extended 30 minute 'show' at 10pm on Friday. 
*Please note the times of the 'shows' alter throughout the year, according to when it is dark.

And what now?

It’s crucial to remember that the pier project was always phased. 
Phase 1 (mainly HLF-funded) aimed for stable ownership, a stable platform, and an interim business plan that would tick over while investment was found for Phase 2 which would fully revitalise the pier.
Phase 1 has created a beautifully renovated, Stirling prize-winning pier. 
Phase 2 appeared to have been forgotten, but under FoHP's plans and the help of dRMM was back on the agenda.

Monday, 18 June 2018

FoHP Proposal in brief.

While all our plans have been available online as they developed, the final proposal that we put to the Administrators is not, because it contains genuinely confidential commercial information. In brief, it was a co-investing shared venture between FOHP Trust and a commercial operator, backed with £750k of guaranteed finance, alongside current funding bids or approaches from funders totalling £450k, with dRMM contributing £60-90k of design work, plus a comprehensive funding search by an Institute of Fundraisers expert showing we could ‘absolutely’ raise £1.6M capital to achieve and open a permanent building within 3 years. We could start straight away – dRMM had pulled an all-nighter for us and designed a beautiful but simple and cheap temporary structure.
In terms of operational capacity not only were we committed to working with the current team of staff and volunteers who have done so much to make this season a success so far, but our operator partner would bring in additional expertise and experienced staff to fill gaps and cope with a step-change in visitor numbers. The first thing we promised to do was actually count footfall – there is literally no data about how many people have been on the pier, let alone intelligence about who they were or what they thought.
Our approach, of course, made a full and undoubted commitment to prioritise maintenance and to sustain the in-house engineering team which holds the crucial ‘corporate memory’ of the pier.
To top all that.......we offered to pay a purchase price of £55k.  Without seeing the plans of others none of us can be categorically sure that it was the best option but it set a pretty high bar…

Sunday, 17 June 2018

We want to know........

"Why have the Heritage Lottery Fund sold Hastings Pier?"

An award winning pier rebuilt with £12m of public money is flogged off to a private owner for peanuts

FOHP responded to the sale:
This decision was made despite our final bid being better in every way – a higher purchase price, a co-investing partnership between the community and an experienced and committed commercial operator, clear and transparent plans for immediate, transition and long term redevelopment, and an absolute commitment to good maintenance forever. We are devastated but we are also furious. Why would the administrators mess us about leading us to believe we have time and the chance to buy the pier if we haven’t? Everyone is very upset. We now have a lot of questions about how this was handled.

Friday, 15 June 2018

They didn't turn up -

 but the sale of the People's Pier to Mr. Abid Gulzar has now been announced.

Good night, and thank you for reading.

Administrators on Pier this afternoon, 4.30 - 5.30

Plan to sell Hastings pier to entrepreneur angers locals

Group has raised majority of £500,000 target to keep pier in community ownership.............................
The Hastings campaigners have raised through crowdfunding more than £440,000 [£463,266 at 12.48 today] of a £500,000 target and had understood they would be given enough time to find the rest, but they were told Gulzar had an “agreement in principle” for the purchase.