This blog is being put to bed. It was started because some people, when directed to Facebook and/or Twitter, said they didn't use them. Asked about blogs, they said "oh yes". And so the germ of the Peerless Pier Blog was born.
It's main purpose was to chart the reconstruction, sometimes in a somewhat quirky fashion, and to throw in a few facts, nuggets of history, and news of the varying occurrences iin the Hub, the centre for information while the Pier was not accessible to the public, and the home of many fascinating activities. I owe a great deal of thanks to the Great Panjandrum himself (seeing as he likes puzzles, what connection does this have with Hastings?) who was generous with both photos and facts.
Two books, one, a personal account by David Spooner, our retired Project Manager, Saving the People’s Pier: the restoration of Hastings Pier, my story, copiously illustrated with superb photos, is available for £10 from davidspooner48 ”at” and the other, by Steve Peak, is due out in September and is a new and updated edition of his invaluable “Peerless Piers”. In due course you should find details at
The blog will remain as a 'historical' document, for those who like to explore, and the webcam will still show the weather in Hastings whenever it is viewed.
- It was announced today that there will be a new share offer coming very soon, probably next week.
Thank you to all those who have viewed, maybe see you on The Pier.