Friday, 31 July 2015

Play on the Prom

Mondays - August 3 / 10 / 17 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

There will be several play stops along the promenade where you can collect clues and take part in lots of FREE fun activities such as badge making, fridge magnet painting and clay modelling.

There will be first aid and lost child points.

Drop in to the Pier Hub between 10.30am and 12pm to register and collect your trail.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Piers have four basic components: piles or columns, girders spanning the columns, decking and the mass of struts and braces which give them both rigidity and much of their individual character.

Eugenius Birch's great genius was to apply Mitchell's screw piles to pier building.  Screw blades were fitted to the bottom of the iron piles and the whole thing was simply (?) screwed into the ground.

Jetting involves hollow piles.  Once it is in place, pass a tube down the hollow to the bottom.  Connect the other end of the tube to a water-pump (or tap!) and turn on.  Water is forced down into the sand, which boils up outside the pile, allowing it to sink gently down, preferably for 5 or 6 metres.

Monday, 27 July 2015

In the Sea – at the Pier Hub -

Every Friday  during August 11am – 3pm

Drop in and make a collage sea creature, take away a postcard to send to a friend, or dress up as a Victorian or Pier engineer.

No booking needed


Saturday, 25 July 2015

Community Theatre Project

Hastings Pier Charity

Community Theatre Project

Call for applications

Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, Hastings Pier Charity is delighted to be able to offer the opportunity for a local community theatre group to devise a new piece of heritage inspired theatre and perform this on Hastings Pier as part of a revived Victorian themed ‘Rock Fair’ in July 2016.

£5,000 is available to support the production of an original piece of theatre inspired by Hastings Pier’s heritage.

The aim of the project is for the participants and the audience to learn about the heritage of Hastings Pier in an enjoyable way.Through the project we would like participants to: develop their research and planning skills enhance their creative abilities and performance skills grow in confidence and self esteem feel a greater sense of pride in the local area increase their knowledge

We are looking for groups that work with the local community to create high quality theatrical performances. The final piece must relate to the history of Hastings Pier and have a Victorian link, but how you achieve this is up to you! It can involve theatre, physical theatre, dance, mime, puppetry, projections, singing or music for example.

Application deadline - Friday 25th September

Email: beatrice.rapley[at]

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Photographing Hastings Pier - Talk at Jerwood Gallery

You Need to Book - Limited places!  Telephone 01424 435587
You need a packed Lunch!

Image result for "packed lunch"

The talk by Simon Roberts will be followed by access to the Pier to take your own photos!

Pier Webcam

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Onwards and upwards (towards the end of the Pier)

There is now access to the end of the Pier and the lifting of the remaining 1000sq metres of old deck boarding can go ahead.

The old deck board will  be recycled; either  made into furniture for the Pier or used as cladding for part of the Visitor Centre.

The main structure of the Pavilion is now complete . The internal fit out of the bar and restaurant will start shortly.


Note the decking spacers!

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Looking good!


  • The two service pods, that will provide toilets and kitchen support areas, have been clad with 75 year old wood from the old pier deck.
  • The cupolas were reconstructed using the same method as originally implemented 100 years ago.
  • The zinc roof took six weeks to complete.
  • The original capping has been shot blasted, desalinate, repaired and reinstalled.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Visitor Centre - Construction Update

The complex structure of diagonal and horizontal bracing to support the Visitor Centre steelwork is being completed.  These struts generally weigh over one tonne each and have to be held in place by the crane whilst a steel worker, in a basket from another crane, is lowered down to fix the bolts to the clamps.  The clamps are bolted to the six steel/concrete piles which ultimately carry the 600 tonne load of the building.

The next operation will be the forming of the reinforced concrete slab.  Constructing the slab will be a complex operation as firstly a troughed steel deck is laid on the steelwork.  Then steel bar reinforcement is fixed in place to provide the tensile strength and to tie the slab to the existing Pier steelwork.  Finally the concrete!

This  will be  pumped the from the loading bay on the Promenade.  Well over 100 tonnes of concrete wii be pumped nearly 200 metres along the Pier in one continuous operation.  The slab should be completed by mid-July.  It will then be ready for the pre-fabricated timber building that will be erected on top to form the Visitor Centre.
July Newsletter available at

Friday, 10 July 2015

‘The People’s Pier: Heritage as a Catalyst for Regeneration’

In October 2014 during Hastings week over 70 people gathered to hear about various aspects of heritage, with a particular focus on local history and community involvement.

Beatrice Rapley,  Learning and Education Manager at Hastings Pier Charity , gave the audience an insight into the importance of the community in her ‘The People’s Pier: Heritage as a Catalyst for Regeneration’ presentation, . Beatrice talked about the history of the pier, about when the pier was almost completely destroyed by fire in 2010 and the subsequent restoration project and the community involvement with that project. (Hastings Pier presentation PDF )

Cultural Regeneration through Heritage: Hastings, Heritage and Local History – Brighton University - – posted 6 July 2015

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Adopt a plank update

There have been a lot of enquiries about the Adopt A Plank scheme which closed in 2013.  HPC are currently putting together a register of all the information which was received from HPWRT who ran the scheme. 

The register will be posted on the HPC website and will give details of the names and requested wording of the people who adopted a plank according to the records held.

Please keep a look out on the website for the page which will be uploaded in the next two weeks,, or check back here.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Advance Warning!

The concrete for the visitor centre base will be poured on Monday 13th July. 

The Promenade will be be closed during the concrete pumping operations for safety reasons.

Pier volunteers will be available to help guide pedestrians 07:00 until approx. 16:00


Seagull alert!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Series 10 of Coast. Our 'Holiday Coast' …………

…… is the first in the run on Thursday 9th July at 9pm on BBC Two.

Featuring ‘The Seaside Suffragette’

Suffragettes in Hastings, 1908 Postcard